Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Come join us on Saturday January 30th. from 10:00 a.m. until noon as we start our new adventure in cooking. We will start this new year creating great foods and working on a budget. It is amazing what wonderful foods you can create that are healthy and don't have to cost you a fortune. I have some fun kid's recipes and lots of great ideas in store for you. We will also learn to plan a menu, how to shop wisely and some of the best buys for your dollar.

Bring a notebook, paper and pen. My goal is to help all of you create your own personal cookbook that is full of fun, pictures, and favorite eats!

This is a day of fun and fellowship. Bring a friend.

Love, Pat

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful and inspiring as always Pat! My boys loved the goodies from Meme too! I love you dearly friend! Thank you for all you do! OK..so my goals this week are to make the chicken in the crock pot and the homemade pizzas. I can't wait to come back and post how successful I was this week!
