Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Papa and Pancakes

I was getting ready for the Bagels and Blessings event and our grandson's had stayed overnight with Greg and I. They come almost every Friday night for "Boy's Night". We were all up early so I could get ready and this left Papa the job of preparing breakfast. One of our new FAVORITE recipes is cinnamon pancakes. We received this recipe and made the mix at our Women's Retreat in Oct. 2009. These pancakes are absolutely delicious and I make the mix and keep it in our pantry all the time. We gave many jars out during Christmas season and everyone who tries the mix loves it! We also have two little boys who love to cook in Meme and Papa's kitchen. We cook together all the time.

Cinnamon Pancakes

3 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt

To make delicious pancakes, stir together one (1) cup of the above mix and add 3/4 milk, 1 egg and 2 tablespoons oil. Mix and spoon the batter onto a lightly greased griddle or skillet. This should yield you 8 to 10 pancakes depending on the size you make. Enjoy!


  1. We have a few pancakes eater in my house, although we love Bisquick I will give this a try. I like that I can make up the mix ahead of time.

  2. Michelle you will love this recipe and find you will keep it in the pantry always. I am eager to hear how the family likes them. Enjoy! These pancakes are a yummy treat.

  3. I made them this morning. Excellent.

  4. Glad you enjoyed them. We make the pancakes weekly...........our grandchildren love them!
